Saturday, August 30, 2008

Edinburgh to Livingston via don't know where - 45km - 1 hour 59 mins


I've not bloody idea where the hell I went today. I tried to cycle out to Livingston on the B roads and got totally lost. One of the consultants at work said "hey make sure you take a OS map or you'll get lost. Took me ages to find the correct route".

I said that I'd find the way but eff me I didn't. Anyway, I finally found the way to Howden which was close enough and then headed back. Originally I thought I was going the right way but soon I realised that I was on the B7015 which was a totally different road that I'd cycled out on.

Eventually I was on the A71 and although faster was much much busier. Still it was a good distance althought the overall speed sucked. At least I know that I can make it out to work and back on the bike.