Saturday, November 15, 2008

Arthur's Seat Run - 5.3km - 40mins 31 sec

I really can't make my mind up if today's run was good or a nightmare!

The time posted if obviously faster than last time and only slightly shy of the 40 minute mark. I think we both knew that it was going to be a faster time as we only stopped for 3 very short walks. The weather was also better in so far as it was dry and sunny.

However, it was sooooo windy and it didn't matter which direction we ran in, the wind was always in our face... and it blowed (in more ways than one!) We really struggled and it was definitely at it's worse during the up hill segment.

Thankfully the down hill was great and we cruised to the end of the run without to much of an issue. The usual sprint finish was obligatory but we missed out on 40 mins by a few seconds but at least it gives us something to aim for next time.

Of note, weirdly so, the cycle there and back took exactly the same as it did last time... to the second.

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