I’ve been really bad with this blog and not written anything for 2 months! Actually, that’s not specifically true as I have written stuff elsewhere – in my “running log” which my sister bought me as a present last year (but which I’ve never used – until now).
Anyway, here’s a summary of what I’ve been up to…
29th Dec 08 - Arthur's Seat Run / 5.2km / 39min 40secs
This was a relatively easy run today and had a good downhill section. I did it with Simon and we only had to stop once on the uphill. Faster time too than the last time we did it.
30th Dec 08 - Arthur's Seat Run / 5.2km / 40min 10secs
Very frosty run today with Arfon and quite slow on the uphill as Arfon had calf agony and had to stop 3 times. Slower also on the down hill due to the frost.

This is a very nice run and I previously did my fastest 5km time on this (around 28mins I think) last time I was up visiting Matt and Kristin. Today was mind over matter though as we'd had quite a big night as it was New Year's Eve and only gone to bed at 3am. I started the run at 8am and I'm sure I was in the middle of being both hungover and still drunk. Thankfully, I took the camera with me and managed to take quite a few snaps which broke up with run.
Very slow but very, very enjoyable and a good start to the New Year.
4th Jan 09 - Arthur's Seat Run / 5.2km / 38min 13secs
Solo run today where I really tried to get a good time. Arfon had done it the day before in 37min and 46secs but alas I was unable to get under the elusive 38 minutes. It felt very tough and my feet were sore and my right achilles tendon was playing up as it has tended to do recently.
Didn't take the iPod and unfortunately got the song "It's not what you do but the way that you do it" stuck in my head which was the correct tempo for the run but very, very annoying.
5th Jan 09 - Running Machine / 5km / 35min 02secs
This was a confusingly difficult run in the gym today. I don't know why. I was only running at 8.7km/h on zero gradient and still I struggled. Sole of my left foot became sore but my left ankle/foot was fine. Need more music for running as I'm getting a bit bored of what's on the iPod.
13th Jan 09 - Uni/Meadow/Morningside Run / 10km / 1hour 22mins 4secs
This was a totally confusing run. Originally, I had planned to run round the Meadows and then back to the flat. As I'm not from Edinburgh it's very easy to get lost... and I did. I ran up past the University then found the Meadows then ended up in Bruntsfield and then Morningside. Next I ended up on Collinton Road heading out towards the Bypass. Finally, I found my way back to Polworth Terrace and then to the flat.
The time was dreadful but it was incredibly icy and I found myself sliding about the pavements and roads. HOWEVER, I did the whole thing without stopping and although the time for 10km was awful (7.3km/h) the fact I didn't stop is a major achievement.
15th Jan 09 - EICC/Meadows Run / 8km / 57min 31secs
Ran down to the EICC to meet Arfon who had figured out that from his flat round the Meadows is a perfect 5km. Unfortunately, I had already run almost 2km by the time I met him so when we started to run together he spent a lot of time slowing down in order for me to keep up. My left sole was hurting again and I really struggled to keep up with him but the speed was much faster than my run on the 13th (8.4km/h).
At the end of the Meadows he trotted home and I still had to run up to Bruntsfield and then home. Glad it was over when I got to the flat!

This was actually an OK run and I was surprised that I could run for that length of time without stopping having spent the last week on holiday in Les Arcs. Perhaps it was the altitude training but to be honest I didn't ride perticularly hard all week due to a mixture of conditions and abilities - and although I took my running stuff, I didn't run once. Shame on me.
Incidently, the Chris Hoy Half Marathon confirmation arrived while I was away and that's spurred me on to be more dedicated. There's no bailing out now!
26th Jan 09 - Bruntsfield/Morningside Run / 6.1km / 44min 50secs
This run was really just a challenge to see if I could do 2 runs in 2 days. This was quite a short one and I took an easy pace but there was loads of hills and was more concerned with doing it non-stop than the time taken. Only 8.1km/h but hey?
Need to get the distance up though now as the first half marathon I'm doing is in April and it's almost February! Yikes.
Anyway, that's the summary to date. All running you'll note but the bike still needs to go to the shop for a service and swimming?!?! well that's self explanatory.
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