Monday, May 4, 2009

Edinburgh 10km - 1hour 7mins 07sec

Another race. Another Medal.

This had potential to be a really great run. The atmosphere was amazing and there were about 10,000 runners. It reminded me of the City to Surf in Australia. However, there were loads of problems.

First, the number of people meant that the place was rammed. The runner never actually began until the top of the mound so we walked for ages. Then at the bottom of the mound there was a bottle neck at the National Gallery so we were actually reduced to waiting for people to squeeze through. On that narrow path along Princes St Gardens people were already walking and instead of keeping to the side they were walking in pairs and threes... WIDTH-WISE! Morons.

As the race went on this was a running theme (no pun intended) - people stopping infront of you without moving to the side. This meant a lot of side stepping and dodging. At one point I had to avoid a line of real tubsters who were walking around Arthur's Seat with t-shirts on which had "Running for *someone*" written on the back. Running???? Bollocks! They were simply there as obstacles for actual runners. I think it's admirable for "fun-runners" to do these things for charity but there should be some sort of etiquette for when people walk like "Keep Left" or "walk on the outside of the corner" etc.

Anyway, I beat my last time despite this... not by much but I still beat it so I'm happy. Here are some results...

Finishers.... 7817

Fastest - 0:28:13
Slowest - 2:01:02

Simon - 1:12:08 position 7157
Me - 1:07:07 position 6535
Isla - 0:52:18 position 2337
Sara - 0:49:03 position 1468
Cathy - 0:47:02 position 554

Dunfermline Half Marathon next week.

PS - couldn't find Natasha's result but she says that she did it in about 59mins I think.

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