Sunday, February 8, 2009

Long Arthur's Seat Loop - 15km - 2hours 5mins

Well I decided to do a proper long run today. I've been putting it off for ages but today I just got up and went.

Headed out on Gilsland then Collington and onto Strathearn Rd. Up to the Commie Pool and then round the seat and back with a wee extra bit of a loop round Polworth and Ashley to finish. I went really, REALLY slowly but the aim was not time but the fact that I could do the distance without stopping... and I did.

At the 2007 Sydney City to Surf I crawled my way round a cramp-ridden 14km course with the sun beating down bringing with it 28C temps and it was awful. I never thought I'd ever run that distance again... but today I did... and then some.

Actually it wasn't too bad and I think that I had a few more kms left in the legs. That's good news for the upcoming half marathons. Fingers crossed they go as well as todays run - or better.


Kristin Pedroja said...

Might I comment on the excellent organization of the upcoming events page?

Zain said...

Yes it's awesome. Mainly due to the moaniness of Matt!!!