However, Stuart's been angling at doing some exercise for ages now and to be honest I've been putting it off as he's too fast at most things and training with him scares me. That said I agreed to go on a run with him today and the plan was he would head over to my flat and we would run from there to Arthurs Seat, round the Seat and then up to his in Braidshill.
It was too fast... and certainly too fast for my first run post-half.
My split time by the pool was 28:09 (over a minute faster than my PB at that point) and the split at the second pass of the pool was 1:12:13 (a massive 4 mins faster pace than my PB).
I was pretty spent by that point and my legs and ankles were really beginning to hurt. We ran/walk the remaining 4.5km back to Stuart's which had some horrible hills. I drank 3 pints of water when I got to his and that was a first. I've not felt that thirsty for ages and I drank far less at the end of the half.
Following a very welcome lift back to the flat I had one of the best showers ever and even now I still feel washed out. I'm happy about the times and that sort of training is what I need to improve my half marathon times and help give me a good time in the 10km races I'm doing.
By the end of the season I'd like to be able to run 10km in under an hour and get 2:15 or less for my half marathons. I think a sub 2 hour time might have to be reserved for next year!
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