Unsurprisingly my feet were aching within a few minutes and the more I lengthened my stride the more painful they became. Rubbish. So with that handicap I still tried to push on through and get a good time. Of course I was aiming for 45mins or less which will be a major accomplishment this year and towards the end of the run I felt that my pace was fast enough that I stood a chance of getting that time. However, I forgot how slow the start of the run was and when I looked at the stopwatch I couldn't help being pissed off with the time - even though it's the fastest I've run this route so far - 9.3km/h
Next time I do this short run I'm going to try for 9.5km/h. At the Balfron 10km I'll hopefully be able to eek out the remaining 0.5km/h and come in under 1 hour. That said I'm screwed for the Edinburgh 10km as there's about a million hills. Pure Pish.
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