Wednesday, September 22, 2010


This has been a lame-ass year. After dropping 2.5 stone for the wedding I have eaten and slothed my way back into obesity. As a token gesture to former fitness I signed up for the Glasgow 2010 10km road race and put in a blisteringly poor time of almost 80 minutes!

80 MINUTES!!!!!!!! To run 10km. In the words of Eric Cartman "WEAK!"

So that's it. I've had enough. I'm getting back on the road. Since then I've run about 3 times. Only 4.5km at a time but it's a start. The training starts in earnest tomorrow and I'm going to start trying to build up speed first and then distance as I never really managed the other way round. There's about 10 months till the Edinburgh Marathon and I might just be tempted to make that my goal for 2011 and "run through" all the shorter races that I missed out on this year.

Get on it Chunk.

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