Thursday, March 13, 2008

Skelmorlie Loop - 5km - 30:05

Frustratingly, this time ties with my second fastest time but is still half a minute slower than my fastest. What I find most perplexing is that my legs felt good and I wasn't out of breath at all. The hill at the start was no trouble and I rocketed down the slope to Weymss Bay and I was expecting to cross the finish way under my PB.

Why then was I so slow? There was no wind to speak of and the weather wasn't that cold. It wasn't raining and my cadence felt good. I just don't know. I realise that the day I did the 29 and a half minutes I had a massive tail wind for most of it but still I can't help feeling disappointed when everything felt in tune but still the time wasn't my best.

Them's the breaks I guess. Oh well, can't worry about it anymore as I've got my interview for GP training today and that's the only thing that should be on my mind.

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