Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Long Arthurs Seat Loop - 15km - 1hour 51min 35sec

Faster again today.

Shoes felt quite good after the first few minutes of tightness but no foot pain like before so I'm happy I bought them! Dry today and less windy and overall the run felt relatively straight forward. However, a particularly upbeat song came on the iPod while I was half way up the seat and I started sprinting which was the dumbest thing ever.

After about 50m I was so out of puff that I thought I was going to puke and ended up running so slowly that I could have walked it faster. Sometimes I wonder about the benefits of not stopping. Perhaps sometimes it would be better to walk. It might even improve my overall time as I guess I'd also be getting a rest.

Don't really want to go down that route but still...

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